Thursday, August 22, 2013

Our Summer

Since I was MIA most of the summer after moving, I thought I would do a catch up.

After moving, we took full advantage of being new pool owners.

Logan got Strep.

So we broke out the train set to entertain him while sequestered.

I've spent a lot of time on a huuuuuge project
A rendering of what the Reception area will be like

My mess while developing the final selections
In July, Lee and I went to Hawaii while Logan hung out here with his Pappy and Pogo!

Since being home, we do normal things like grocery shop
These carts SUCK
But these parking spots are GREAT
 Play with Logan's hair
 We eat a lot of breakfast...

Hi Mike Wisowski

In the playroom with Teddy waiting for crumbs.

Waffles on the couch...
And we drink a LOT of coffee...

We've settled nicely into the new house. I am going to make a few changes, just because I can't help myself.

Summer has been pretty great, and very busy.

And boy am I ready for fall! Who's with me?


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