Here's our schedule right now:
6:15am: Feet hit the floor for the shower
6:45:am: Poke Lee in the ribs to get up. If he isn't awake already, get Logan up and start his breakfast.
Explain to him that "sleeping in" is only on weekends dude.
7:15am: in the car. Yes, I know we didn't finish Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, I'm really sorry.
7:45am: Drop off Logan.
7:50am: Make coffee at work and sit down.
On Tuesdays: 8 am conference call. Gee thanks.
I spend my day answering questions by email while listening to Pandora radio while answering coworker questions while drawing in CAD while holding my pee and wiggling in my chair.
5pm: go get Logan
5:30-5:40pm: home
6pm: Feed Logan
7pm: Logan is in bed
7:30pm: feed ourselves
9pm: Fall asleep on the couch.
Fun huh?
In other news, we are trying to sell our house so we spent last weekend boxing up misc clutter and hauling some extra furniture to the storage unit to make the house look a little roomier.
It does, but now we have no tv in the bedroom and that's sucking.
While packing I did find this little gem:
My lettermans jacket. |
I was a bit of a non-participator.
After a day of packing and moving, we had Lee's parents over so his mom could assess the house and get us ready to list it. We enjoyed wine and ribs in the back yard.
So with all that going on, I really hope you understand my tendancy to be MIA.
And with houses selling in our target area in 5 days, I am pretty sure that once our house sells, we will be homeless.
At least I can then blog about living in a hotel with a toddler, 2 dogs, a cat, and a husband.
And still only one bathroom.