Thursday, August 28, 2014

This summer..

We had a bit of a lazy summer. Lazy in the sense that we didn't travel or do anything glamourous.

On the other hand we were busy. Busy in the sense that weekends were packed with keeping Logan occupied and entertaining friends.

Logan took swim lessons this summer:


Our House
Still can't swim. Though he recently got brave enough to jump in off the side (in floaties).
Maybe next summer?

I have been working my tail bone off doing stuff like this:

We cook a lot. Eat a lot. Swim A lot.

And Love.

A Lot.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

And the winner is....

Yesterday was a rare day for me.

I won.

I won at life for just one day.

I got my son off to his first day of preschool and there were no tears on his part and he had a FANTASTIC DAY complete with sand in his shoes from the playground.
Bonus: He ate all of his lunch. *fist pump*

Did I just lose all my bonus points for the fist pump?

I successfully kept my sick ass at work all day and managed to get work done and answer coworker questions without falling asleep at my desk. Complete with an 8:30am meeting.

Then, after I picked up my sweaty sand covered child, I drove home to a complete kitchen that I laboriously picked the finishes for.

And it's Awesome.

This is while cooking dinner last night. I couldn't wait!

I love the all white kitchen and I wanted to achieve that look with a little depth and a few unique touches. My favorite part? The sink. I need to borrow a baby to bathe in it! Don't worry, I'll give it back clean and happy.

I cooked 2 chickens with veggies and drank wine and was happy as a pig in.... dirt.

This morning I enjoyed making Logan's lunch in a clean and happy kitchen.

Let's raise our glass to having that one day where we feel like we really can do it all.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Summer Time is over...

Unless you check the weather report for Houston, it seems as though Summer is over.

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. Pumpkins. Fall colors. Boots.
Pumpkin. Spice. Latte....

However this year... there is something that has happened that made Fall feel like it came too fast.

My baby started Preschool Today.

Worst/Best part of it? He waltzed right in, found a cool toy, and was done with me.

Don't worry, I waited until I was in the car to blubber and call Lee and whine about how my child doesn't need me anymore.

I have to pack a lunch at this school and here was my first Bento attempt:

I froze the drink to act as an ice pack and I was OCD enough to place the cookies on the opposite side. When I pick him up today we will see how much he liked it.

This school will be much more structured and focused on independence. They even have DROP OFF starting mid-September where I get him of the car and send him off with a teacher into the school. After my shenanigans this morning I don't know how to feel about that!

In the midst of all this, we have been renovating our kitchen. I will post photos tomorrow of before/after. I feel a little silly about remodeling an already remodeled kitchen but it was just not me at all and this is our 2nd home - with the hopes of it taking us far into our life - so we decided to jump in and make it our own.

I have one hour before I am leaving to pick him up at school and I am so anxious to see how he did.

Back tomorrow! Hope you are still out there after my hiatus. I was inspired by Kelly that this is for ME. I love that people read and comment but when I focus only on viewers and content being just so - I get bogged down and stop posting. Now that Logan is almost 4 and starting new adventures I would like to put them on here for memories.

Bonus points if you guys enjoy the ride with me :)
