Wednesday, August 27, 2014

And the winner is....

Yesterday was a rare day for me.

I won.

I won at life for just one day.

I got my son off to his first day of preschool and there were no tears on his part and he had a FANTASTIC DAY complete with sand in his shoes from the playground.
Bonus: He ate all of his lunch. *fist pump*

Did I just lose all my bonus points for the fist pump?

I successfully kept my sick ass at work all day and managed to get work done and answer coworker questions without falling asleep at my desk. Complete with an 8:30am meeting.

Then, after I picked up my sweaty sand covered child, I drove home to a complete kitchen that I laboriously picked the finishes for.

And it's Awesome.

This is while cooking dinner last night. I couldn't wait!

I love the all white kitchen and I wanted to achieve that look with a little depth and a few unique touches. My favorite part? The sink. I need to borrow a baby to bathe in it! Don't worry, I'll give it back clean and happy.

I cooked 2 chickens with veggies and drank wine and was happy as a pig in.... dirt.

This morning I enjoyed making Logan's lunch in a clean and happy kitchen.

Let's raise our glass to having that one day where we feel like we really can do it all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kitchen looks fabulous. i'm a sucker for the white!