Friday, February 1, 2013

Le Tired

A Long long time ago a link to this video hit my email:

Seriously like a few years ago this happened.

Ever since then Lee and I use the "I am Le Tired" line when we feel lazy and don't want to do something.

Anywhoo - my lack of blogging can only be explained as Le Tired.

Work is slightly overwhelming, as well as my toddler who thinks 30 minute naps at school are super fun, and then this house. It keeps getting dirty. It needs to be cleaned so we can get it on the market to sell...

Le Tired.

Lately we have:

Been to the zoo:

My heart is so full!

I made coffee on Sunday to enjoy all week over ice
I'm taking conference calls at 8am in the car
and having Pizza Dates with this guy

Between my jam-packed work schedule, an active toddler, and also being a wife - sometimes I am just Le Tired and can't get around to blogging.

But I still think about y'all.


1 comment:

Diane Haynes said...

That was entertaining! I love it.