Monday, September 21, 2015

One Week Left...

This is my last week of having an Only Child.

I still don't know how I really feel about it.

I have spent the last 9 months - 9 long months with scary ultrasounds and awful symptoms - with this baby girl growing in my belly. Every day of these 9 months I have had the same thought.

How is this going to work?

I have come to realize that I have NO IDEA. I won't know until she is here.

Then, we have to deal with that awesome phenomenon that comes with babies/kids:

Figure it out. Then they will change. 


Ellie better be ready to just go with the flow. Her big brother is fast and on the go all the time. Time won't stop for her like it did when he was born. Sure, we will have Monday - Friday while Logan is in school to sit and rest. Saturday and Sunday will be a little different. GO GO GO.

We are "ready" in every other sense of having a baby. Crib. Play yards. Swings, bouncies, boppies... Diapers. Car seat. Clothes.

My to-do list is done. I have nested and re-done every closet in the house. The playroom is re-organized and Logan is enjoying being able to find his toys. Meals are in the freezer and sides are in the pantry. New cable is being installed today and the sofas are all being cleaned tomorrow. I even returned library books today a few days early.

That's it. There is nothing left to do.

That may be the scariest part....


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