Friday, June 25, 2010


I stole this from Alisha:

Outside my window.. my dogs are digging after something at the back fence. Great.
The time is.. 5:45pm
Today I feel.. Good, just a little frustrated...
I am thinking.. food.
At the moment..I am sitting on the sofa, watching tv, listening to Donald talk to me through Google Talk Voice Chat.
I am going.. to dinner with friends tonight and have a busy weekend ahead.
I am wearing.. jeans, and a green and white t-shirt
I wish.. I didn't have to work. Just to be honest.
I am reading.. A silly book about vampires and Accidental Father. Awesome!
I am working on.. nothing..
I am hoping.. that I can fit a nap into my busy weekend.
I am hearing.. Donald chatting.
Around the house.. are dog toys.
I bet you didn't know.. That donald loves me extra since i helped him get the new iphone!
One of my favorite.. things to do it lay in the hammock in the back yard with Lee and the doggies.

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