Pumpkin Spice Latte is here...
Fall magazine are here....
Football is here (in 1 more day)
I watched the pilot of Go On on Hulu and it was pretty cute! I love Matthew Perry so I hope this ends the curse for him.
I also previewed Animal Practice - hated it. Couldn't even finish the pilot. No Thanks.
Thursday/Friday look pretty empty - so unless we get into some other shows later in the season, looks like these nights will be movie or DVR catch up nights. I mean with football on Sunday and Monday, we won't be able to get to it all anyway.
What shows are you looking forward to?

Greys Anatomy fan right here :) Yes I love Private Practice also! I cannot wait for the CSI shows to come back on. Is Up All Night good? I keep thinking about watching it on Netflix but haven't started yet
I tend not to watch current television anymore. Too much good stuff on Netflix. That said, I stay current with Alphas (SyFy), Royal Pains (USA), How I Met Your Mother, The Walking Dead. Looking forward to Revolution (NBC), The Neighbors (ABC), Chicago Fire (NBC), and Elementary (CBS). I need to catch up on Castle, too.
Football, Football, more football and How I Met your Mother & Big Bang Theory :)
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