Sunday, September 7, 2008


Here are some picture updates on the house:See the pillows on the bench? LOVE!
That is my very own hand-made butcher block my papa made a long time ago. He made 4 and I am lucky to have one!
Here is the front with new flowers and the small snaffu on the window paint, which we are starting to not mind so much. I picked up the navy (see garage door) today to re-do the window, what do you think?
In other news, we watched the UT game last night and the puppies brought their spirit along!Lola tried to reject the shirt, but she got used to it!I didn't say she was happy, I just said she was used to it!Teddy was happy just to be included!
I also hand washed my car in the driveway today, which was kinda neat. Something people that own houses do I guess. Other than that, i did the flowers and then took a nap because I got a little hot then a headache...
I still need to work on the guest room and study clutter, but otherwise the house is really shaping up to look finished. What a very busy weekend. Now I am off to put a pork loin roast in the oven.

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