Sunday, November 7, 2010


This is Lola:{photo taken by Sabrina}

Lola has ALWAYS loved stuffed animals (which we call "stuffies"):{Lola @ 6 months with Lamb.}

In fact I have posted this a few times:
Lola & Froggie
Butterfly and Turtle

So it wasn't a huge surprise when Lola stole one of Logan's new stuffies when I was organizing them into a basket. She stole this one:
I mean, it's called Ugly Doll and sure could pass as a dog toy.

So the battle has begun and Logan isn't even here yet. I will have to start a ticker on the side of the blog on how many of Logan's stuffies are ruined by Lola. Then how many dog toys are taken by Logan.

I am sure it will end up a fair fight.


Sarah said...

The battle begins! My money's on Logan for the next 5 years or so. Lola needs someone to show her who's boss! :)

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

Oooh adorable!! This made me smile!! :)