Friday, March 6, 2009

More Photoshop

Oooh boy am I hooked. I still have so much to learn..
I found some from the wedding (almost 4 years ago..) I am not happy with our photographer. The color photos she took were very saturated and her digital camera caught all the yellow in the over head lighting. I only liked our black and whites.
So here is me and dad dancing:
Now:At least we are close to the right color
My Niece:Can you believe these photos? Criminy...There we go. I used lots of Cool, lighten, and a color boost.
Lastly, a photo I scanned from Hawaii:
Better known as "the time I burned my legs so badly I wanted to die."
This one is hard b/c it is scanned.
Better I guess but... Lee's shirt hurts my eyes and, although he normally has dark lips, these look painted on! This poor photo...
I am really interested in learning photoshop. I wish I knew someone who lives near me that uses it. But I will have to take tutorials online I guess!


Sabrina Bowen said...

I love editing pictures, and have for years. Its just as much fun to me as taking them. I don't have Photoshop but would LOVE to, so I can't really help much. But just keep playing around, you'll figure it out quicker than you think you will.

Donald said...

dang, that IS an improvement over the photos from the "professional" photographer!