Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Working from home

Today, Logan had his 4 month shots, so I had to come home for the afternoon. With his 2 month shots, he was pretty cranky and angry, and then slept a lot, so I didn't want to just drop him back at day care.

Working from home can be difficult when you have little wiggle man around, so I wasn't sure how much I would get done..

But it all worked out just fine! Here is a shot of how  we worked this afternoon:

He was kicking and playing, and rolled from belly to back once...

Poor little man has bandaids on his shot areas, but otherwise seems to be feeling fine.
I just hope we all get some sleep tonight because last night.. not so much.


Hi, I'm Missy! said...

Hi handsome!

Mami en construcción said...

He's a big boy and so brave!!!
Uh, why do you have two mice for one computer?

The Poop of Others said...

He's absolutely adorable!!

Sarah said...

He's already so photogenic. You're very lucky to have a little man who the camera loves so much!