Monday, March 7, 2011

Slight Irritation

No, I do not have the kind of irritation you need a cream for...

My irritation is with the same questions you get asked when you have a baby.

Before I went back to work I was irritated when I was asked "Are you still nursing him?" and "Is he on a schedule?"

After I would think "None of your business" I would just politely answer.

Now, back to work, I get "Are you still nursing him?" and "How does it feel coming back to work?!" "Is he sleeping through the night?"

Geemus people. What does it matter to you if I am nursing my baby? And the people asking me are not like close friend/coworkers. It's clients or people I see in the elevator...
How does it feel coming back to work? It sucks ok? Thanks for asking!

Maybe it is more than a slight irritation..

Anyway - on to the next topic: Sleeping.

Logan is doing pretty good on the sleeping thing. More often than not he sleeps from 10:30-7. Sometimes it's a good sleep where I actually wake up and check on him and sometimes he is noisy and wakes up a little and needs a pacifier.

So I am trying to decide when the right time is to try and get him sleeping in his crib... I mean if you were a little sweet baby wouldn't you want to sleep in here?Rather than here?Shoved next to the bed in a little pack and play?
(Yes, I made the bed right before I took the picture.)

Of course his favorite spot is in the swing:

Where he is right now.

Maybe tonight at 7 when he is asleep I will put him in the crib and see how long he makes it. I want him to start sleeping pretty good in his own crib from 7-10 before I try it at night. Up until now he never makes it more than a good 30 minutes in his crib and he wakes up.

Anyone have any ideas?

10 comments: said...

My kids both slept with me forever, I was pretty wimpy about putting them in their cribs.
BUT... when I did, it was cold turkey, both naps and night. It helped they had naps in a crib in daycare.
I rocked, put them down, let them cry a little ( not much at your sons age, maybe 5 minutes) then over and over.
Up a few times a night doing the same.

Don't worry. He'll do it eventually and won't be in your room forever. Do what's right for you, ignore what the mommy books say, only you know your sons needs.

Unknown said...

Lee and I talked about it last night and we both like him in the room with us, it's kind of cozy. So we think we will just keep going the way we are until it feels right to move him. However, he is doing pretty good from 7:30-10 in his crib, which is nice because we get our alone time in the living room. It's all a balance!

Mami en construcción said...

He's so cute!!
Thanks for your comment!!
I'm your new follower!!
Love the nursery, btw!

Unknown said...

Welcome Chloe!

tonya said...

Those same folks who ask you very personal questions are the same ones who will offer you their "wisdom" of parenting or tell you to put a hat on the baby because he's cold even though it's 98 degrees outside. Don't listen to them.
You're the mommy and you will know when it's time to do things. Follow your heart. The sleep thing is difficult, I think mostly because all kids and families are different. Nursery, bed, or swing all look pretty comfy to me! said...

There's a book out there, can't remember the name now - it basically said, it doesn't matter where anyone is sleeping, as long as they are sleeping.
Half the time I wake up with both my kids, dog, cat in bed with us - it's all good. Totally cozy! Some day we'll miss it.

to right, Tonya! enough with the mommy terrorism.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the support guys! We sleep in our king sized bed with 2 dogs and the cat - and then Logan in the pack in play on my side. It's nice so that on the nights he is a little restless I can just roll over and give him a pacifier and go back to sleep. It's also nice just having him right there... We will just do it everyone seems ready.

Sabrina Bowen said...

I agree with you and everyone else! There are so many "right" ways to do just have to do what's right for your family. And when it's right for him, you will know. With K I started putting her in her crib for naps around 2 1/2 and for the night at 3 months. With Rhyder he snored...and I was so sleep deprived and exhausted that I just didn't care. He was in his crib around 6-8 weeks. Poor little tiny fella. I did use a sleep positioner for several weeks and that made both of us feel more secure. Do what your heart tells you, you've just barely got him sleeping well...don't go ruin it! ha!! :)

Melissa said...

Oh, those nosy people who ask questions, questions!!!! You have the right instinct in just telling them to buzz off! And as for the swing. We kept our first in the swing until his legs were literally hanging off the edge and the swing could barely move. He now is a fantastic sleeper. In a bed. Our youngest we kept in the swing until it literally stopped working. And she's just started sleeping through the night! So it all works out in time! At least that's my philosophy!!!

Melissa said...

Oh, those nosy people who ask questions, questions!!!! You have the right instinct in just telling them to buzz off! And as for the swing. We kept our first in the swing until his legs were literally hanging off the edge and the swing could barely move. He now is a fantastic sleeper. In a bed. Our youngest we kept in the swing until it literally stopped working. And she's just started sleeping through the night! So it all works out in time! At least that's my philosophy!!!