Friday, March 11, 2011

Blogs Blogs and more Blogs!

I heart blogs. I have at least 20 I read on a regular basis. I posted about this before, but now have some to add...

Still a favorite is I'm Gonna Kill Him. She reached out and helped me a lot when I was hitting the PPD wall and I will always appreciate it.

If you look at my buttons you will see Pineapples and Pickles. LOVE HER. In fact we are all having dinner tonight and I just may have to take my camera.

A good friend of my from college, who had the unfortunate luck to be on teams with me often (I worked full time and had little extra time) is Jessica at Doubling the Dewitts.

Also, a new button I added is Amy's Blam. Between the blog and her tweets, I laugh out loud every day.

This blog is unique because it is 3 different women who contribute. All are hilarious. Ad Hoc Mom.

If you watch the Bachelor, even just to see the crazy, you will love I Hate Greenbeans. Also if you love Dr. Pepper.

Enjoy reading. I guess I should get back to work...

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